We brewed a beer called Ambrosia that will soon drop out of the tank.
Ambrosia is a wheat beer brewed with Hibiscus flowers and Oranges. This one has been on the docket for a while and finally hit it's launch -- 22oz bottles & draft, but not for a couple weeks....
We recently took over more space in our brewery -- the last bit to be had. We moved our offices into this space and made our old office a staff break room of sorts that is now home to a gaming system (pictured above). The original Nintendo was video gaming at its finest. RC Pro-Am blew minds. Anyway, we scored a Nintendo, then the gun, and are now on our way.
This Ambrosia label featuring our own 8-bit creation surely nods to the pixelated wizardry of old. Can't wait till the beer is done.
In addition: if anyone is holding a working copy of RC Pro-Am or Mega Man, we will pay you for it.
Much Obliged,
Half Acre Beer Co
Chicago, IL
I'm not sure it's a good idea to get a copy of zelda, you may never have time to brew again!
so it's available now??
Not for a couple weeks....
I'd hate to ruin your business, but some judicious eBaying could ensure that very little gets done there going forward.
I can zip out my copy of RC Pro Am when I get back in town! I don't even have my NES anymore. It's all yours.
Please sell Ambrosia t-shirts!
Score! J, let us know about the RC -- we will give you beer.
Wow, two tasty sounding beer announcements. Looking forward to tasting the results!
Oh and... hate to bring this up, but it looks like that creature is tossing up some ambrosia rather than sucking it down :). Just sayin...
Yeah I thought he was vomiting as well.
Yep. Looks like he's hurlin'. But I dig it.
You guys can hit up People Play Games the vidego game store in wrigleyville or Videogames ETC... which is way far west on foster ave. These spots have all the old school NES goodness that you require including strategy guides and extra controllers. take it from this VG nerd, they have the cure for 8bit ailments.
Growler fills available?
Any word yet on when this yummy brew is going to be available for growler fills???
This beer won't be available till next week..... Will post as soon as we know for sure.
I have a working copy of Mega Man 2 for the NES! I'd gladly exchange it for some beer if the offer still stands.
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