We've been under the gun moving the beer as of late. We pushed things this way and that way, but we're coming up for some special release air. Next Friday 2/18/11 we're planning to release two beers: Callow Knife Pale Ale (growlers only) & Baume' Chocolate Rye Stout (22oz bombers & growlers). One is a new beer that's late to the game, the other a yearly release that we brew as an anniversary beer. Both should land in a winter sweet spot for us all.
You may have noticed, winter has been powerful these last couple weeks. There's been much said of it, but that storm was awesome. I went out to wander the streets with the dogs that Tuesday night, a little after 11pm, when things were coming down hard, the drifts had formed and the lightning and thunder were in force -- it was a ghost town. It was great to see our city stop. Stopping is good sometimes.
Nature is king.
Half Acre Beer Co.
Chicago, IL
I'm so excited Baume is coming back. Definitely one of my favorite beers.
Any chance that Callow Knife will see a firkin, or two? It sounds like it would be a great cask beer.
I, too, went out with the kids that night.
They were in Heaven, jumping into the drifts and finally just chillin in one. If I could have handled it we'd still be out there now.
As bad as it has been, I'll miss it when it's gone. Mostly because my two kids will be sad when it melts away. I feel guilty I can't spend more time enjoying it with them.
The Husky Guy.
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