Monday, June 29, 2009


The capsule was just found after a record long hunt.
It was found slightly north of Dakin on Seminary.

The Dakin reaction is the chemical reaction of phenolic aldehydes (or ketones) with hydrogen peroxide to form bisphenols and carboxylic acids.[1][2] The reaction is named after Henry Drysdale Dakin.

You are persistent hunters and we commend you.

Half Acre Beer Co
Chicago, IL


Unknown said...

I for one, think that was an awesome hunt. Big ups to HA for coming up with a clever challenge. I'm also ashamed I missed the Dakin reaction clue (and I call myself a scientist), but at least I got Seminary right.

Nice work everyone.

Anonymous said...

Very nice to have a hunt last for a little while. Well done!

Anonymous said...

I think this was a difficult hunt but it sets a good benchmark for future hunts as well. Unfortunately, I have to take issue with Gabriel's comment that Hyde Park is "so far away" (hence the capsule not being there). I was very excited about the possibility that we'd get a capsule on the south side. Maybe next time?

Gabriel said...

We have no problems with the south side. I was mainly saying that as an additional clue. I will say it's hard to make it that far south during a busy workday, and Friday always seems to be that, but who knows, the capsule could turn up anywhere.