At long last, Freedom will be ours.
It's looking like Friday will be the day we package and release "Freedom of '78 Pure Guava Wheat India Pale Ale" It won't be till late afternoon. I repeat, not till late afternoon.
We'll let you know exactly when on Friday.
Really excited about this beer.
Half Acre Beer Co
Chicago, IL
glad to hear about the 'late afternoon' thing. please keep in mind that some of your customers come from a LONG distance and its not an option to get there at noon. that being said, you are free to release a beer at noon or whatever time you want. but when i planned well in advance to leave work a little early and begin the trek to the brewery for shewolf, i was heartborken to see that you started tapping early because people just showed up. please dont take this the wrong way, i appreciate everything you do and spend plenty $$$ at your establishment. but its really unfair to do that...it seems like you are aware, which warranted the 'late afternoon' comment, and i appreciate it. thanks.
Oh, hey, the Freedom of '78 poster is in the Zazzle store now, too: http://www.zazzle.com/freedom_of_78_poster-228181770519185589
Understood Satan. We do our best to do the right thing. Thanks for coming to our store and buying our beer.
And I was planning a party for Saturday. Coincidence? I think not.
me likey.
hey - i kind of agree with satan165 because the shewolf early release killed my chances as i work in the suburbs.
however, for this release is there any way in hell you can sell me two bottles before noon? i know it's the total opposite, but lollapalooza starts at noon and i want two bottles for that night after the shows.
please? please? please?
or is there enough to get some on saturday?
Guys, whether we release the beer at 12:00 or 5:00 it won't kill anyone's chance to get it. This beer will not sell out in a day. Shewolf, even after the early release, was around for more than a week. Granted, more and more people show up for these, but we feel confident in our amount packaged that folks won't miss the beer as a result of say.......getting stuck in traffic, having to work late, maybe a rafting trip went long, you get the idea. See you here -- this beer is tasty.
yes i should clarify further -- no matter of what happend at the brewery on the shewolf release date or where i have to come from (not the breweries problem) my chances at securing a filled growler were not effected and i did get my brew. i just treat every half acre way too serious and expect to walk in and have it sold out even if its 1 hour after tapping begins. i guess my initial comment above was regarding the emotional aspect of awaiting the release: i had my plans in place and while they were not derailed it was heartbreaking to think that despite said planning i stood a greater (but still negligible) chance of getting my brew. i am rambling, and i take beer way too seriously. signing off.
p.s. if you start selling bottles before noon for 'special cases' expect another teary rant
Will this just be in Draft form or will you have bottles and cans (clap your hands) as well?
This beer will be in available for growler pours and in 22oz bottles.
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