As you may or may not know, we've been riding with the Hawks through the series as Mayor Daley has wagered our beer against the mayor of each competitor's team. We took out Vancouver, then sliced and diced San Jose and now we're battling Philly. Even though we have roots in Philly and the east coast, we're without question rooting to bring the Cup back to Chicago. Tonight could be it. Check out the smuggled in Daisy can eyeing down the Yeungling for this evening's game 6. That's awesome.
Half Acre Beer Co
Chicago, IL
does this mean that the daisy cutter cans are available now?
hope the cups comes over to you guys.
Poor Philly mayor won't get to try out Chicago's best brew. Too bad for him. More for us though and hey, we get to drink it out of the Stanley Freakin' Cup!
Yuengling Rules!!!!
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